About me

about me
Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Milan and as per my profession, I’m a Technology Consultant at a firm in the city of Chicago where I currently reside. Photography has always been a great hobby of mine ever since I took a photography class at my community college. Took the class for a general education art credit requirement and ended up falling in love with it. That was back in 2015 and ever since then, I have done a lot of architecture photography, portraits, engagements photoshoots, prom photoshoots and real estate photo shoots.
I recently started looking into how to make my photography better and realized that one great way is by traveling. I used to travel a lot but with school being the biggest priority, for the past two/three years I didn’t do anything. Summer of 2018, I took a solo backpacking trip through Europe after my college graduation and before I started my full-time job, which went phenomenal. This backpacking trip gave me a lot of opportunities to improve my skills as a photographer and also gave me a new perspective on life. I never thought I would be able to take a trip like that but I did and here I am now, sharing it with you guys.